PC-SIG: World of Education
PC-SiG's World of Education.iso
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Text File
284 lines
1Using menus
2Installing printers
3Custom printer
4File - print to
6Editing keys
7Line type
10Number selection
12Decimal selection
13Range selection
@71 -----------------------------< Menus >------------------------------
@07 ---------------------------- Worksheets ----------------------------
@03 Create - Allows worksheets to be created and/or printed. Up to
100 formats can be saved with a user defined name.
Recall - Allows saved worksheet formats to be viewed, renamed or
deleted and worksheets can be printed using the formats.
@07 ------------------------------ Files -------------------------------
Load - file loaded from a floppy disk to the hard drive.
Backup - file on hard drive backed up to a floppy disk.
Delete - file will be deleted from the current directory.
@07 ----------------------------- Utilitys -----------------------------
Header - Create a line of text printed on top of worksheets.
Calendar - Generates calendars for any date from 1899 - 2099.
Printer - list of functions for installed printer.
Install printer - list of printers available to install.
Edit custom printer - allows you to enter functions and codes for
a printer not included in the install menu.
@71 ----------------------< Installing Printers >-----------------------
@07 --------------------------------------------------------------------
[Utilitys:Install printer] - when a printer is installed, codes
to set margins, etc. will be sent to the printer each time a
worksheet is printed. The program MATH-SHOP requires a spacing of
6 lines/inch (66 lines per page) with no top and bottom margins.
Horizontal spacing is based on 10 char/inch (Pica pitch).
@07 ---------------------------- Dot Matrix ----------------------------
The worksheets should print correctly without any printer in-
stalled. If you have a problem and your printer is not listed,
install the [Epson] and set your printer to Epson emulation.
@07 ----------------------- LaserJet or PaintJet -----------------------
These printers or compatibles have a non-zero margin as a default.
You MUST INSTALL the printer driver to correct this problem.
@07 ----------------------------- General ------------------------------
The codes for an installed printer can also be sent manually by
selecting the menu item [Utilitys:Printer] or <M> at print time.
@71 -------------------------< Custom Printer >-------------------------
@07 --------------------------------------------------------------------
@03 [Utilitys:Edit custom printer] - this allows the creation of a
@03 custom printer driver. You can enter a printer name and up to 10
@03 functions with codes. Once created or edited the driver must be
installed before use: [Utilitys:Install printer:Custom].
If you want control codes sent automatically at print time put
these under the function name <Set Page>. For example, to auto-
matically send a form feed and turn on NLQ before printing set
up a function as follows: Set Page,27,12,27,120,1
Your printer manual contains the codes you will need to set up
your own functions. The codes must be in DECIMAL format with a
comma used as a separator.
The codes for an installed printer can also be sent manually by
selecting the menu item [Utilitys:Printer] or <M> at print time.
@71 ------------------------< Print to a file >-------------------------
@07 --------------------------------------------------------------------
@03 This option allows the worksheets to be printed to a file with a
@03 user defined name. The file can then be printed without the use
@03 of MATH-SHOP. For example, when the program asks for a file name
type in the following: (assuming you are using the A drive)
A:MATHTEST.ADD - prints worksheet in file MATHTEST.ADD on drive A
Print on any DOS computer by typing: COPY A:MATHTEST.ADD PRN
The <Set Page> printer codes for the installed printer will be
be placed in the file. These codes will be sent to the printer
the same as if printed from MATH-SHOP. You should install the
printer that you will be printing the worksheets on before
printing to the file. To have no codes in the file install the
<None> printer [Utilitys:Install printer:None]
@71 ----------------------------< Headers >-----------------------------
@07 --------------------------------------------------------------------
@03 [Utilitys:Headers] - allows the creation of a line of text to be
@03 printed at the top of each worksheet. The ACTIVE HEADER is the
@03 one that will be printed. To make a different header active use
the up-down arrow keys to scroll to the desired header then use
<F5> to make the displayed header the active one.
When the header says `Blank header' it is an empty header and is
waiting for text to be input. As you create each new header a
blank header will be added to the list (a maximum of 20). You can
change any header or use <F4> to erase all the headers. To print
without a header use a `Blank header' as the active one.
The date function reserves the 10 spaces needed for the date.
The current computer date will be printed on the worksheet.
The date should be placed first and then the remaining text.
@71 --------------------------< Editing keys >--------------------------
@07 --------- Used for header, custom printer and format names ---------
@03 Left & Right Arrow - move cursor in the displayed text
@03 Del - delete character under cursor
BackSpace - delete character to left of cursor
Ctrl BackSpace - delete all text
Home - move to beginning of text
End - move to end of text
Esc - exit
Enter - save modified text
@71 --------------------------< Line type >-----------------------------
@07 ----------------- Add, Subtract, Multiply, Variety -----------------
@03 <L> - Line type : 231.45
@03 + 78.51
----> -------
The default is the hyphen, which prints as a dashed line. The
following options print as solid lines.
1. Underline : should work on any printer
2. Solid : dot matrix graphics character
3. Overline : laser graphics character (Roman 8 font)
(Options 2 and 3 cannot be printed to a file)
@71 ---------------------------< Line type >----------------------------
@07 ----------------------------- Division -----------------------------
@03 <L> - Line type:
There are 6 options - 2 line types and 3 spacings
______ _______
1. d.d / dd.dd 4. d.d ) dd.dd
_____ ______
2. d.d /dd.dd 5. d.d )dd.dd
_____ ______
3. d.d/dd.dd 6. d.d)dd.dd
The default is option 5
@71 ---------------------------< Alignment >----------------------------
@07 --------------------------------------------------------------------
@03 <A> - Alignment : select number position as follows
@03 Align decimals Right justify Mixture
| |
1723.42 1723.42 will randomly select
+ 25.856 + 25.856 Align or Right justify
--------- -------- for each number
The defaults are: Add & Subtract - Align decimals
Multiplication - Right justified
When you select an option from the menu all problems on the page
will conform to the selection.
@71 ------------------------< Number Selection >------------------------
@07 ----------------------------- Addition -----------------------------
@03 You have a choice of 2 or 3 number addition problems. The program
@03 does not currently permit having both 2 and 3 number problems on
the same worksheet.
@07 -------------------------- Multiplication --------------------------
The program will prompt you to determine if the number of digits
in the top number can be less than the number of digits in the
bottom number. For example:
Ranges: Allow < bottom Must be >= bottom
0.00 - 99.99 45.65 45.65
0.0 - 9999.9 x 1753.3 x 932.8
------- ------
@71 ------------------------< Number Selection >------------------------
@07 --------------------------- Subtraction ----------------------------
@03 Negative answers are not allowed by the program. If you try to
@03 select ranges that only have negative answers the program will
tell you this and wait for acceptable ranges to be input.
@07 ----------------------------- Variety ------------------------------
This menu selection allows addition (2 number), subtraction and
multiplication problems to be placed on the same worksheet. A
menu will appear asking what combination of problems should be
used on the worksheet. If the ranges selected will not allow a
certain type of problem requested than none of that type will
appear on the worksheet. For example if you request addition and
subtraction problems but the ranges selected would only generate
negative subtraction answers than the program will fill the page
with addition problems.
@71 -----------------------< Decimal selection >------------------------
@07 --------------------------------------------------------------------
@03 Number of decimal digits in problem:
@03 The number of decimal digits does not vary in the problems
once selected. For example, if you select 2 digits for the top
decimal then there will be two decimal places in the top number
for all the problems on the worksheet.
Number of decimal digits in answers:
Add & Subtract - equals maximum # of decimal places in problem
Multiplication - product of decimal places in top and bottom
number or 4 whichever is less.
Division - maximum of 6
@71 -----------------------------< Ranges >-----------------------------
@07 --------------------------------------------------------------------
@03 The range of the numbers is based on the selection of the number
@03 of digits in the whole number and the number of decimal places.
Whole number part:
4 digits : 0000 - 9999
3 digits : 000 - 999
2 digits : 00 - 99
1 digits : 0 - 9
Decimal places:
4 digits : .1000 - .9999
3 digits : .100 - .999
2 digits : .10 - .99
1 digits : .1 - .9
(Division ranges have a minimum of 1)
@71 -----------------------------< Ranges >-----------------------------
@07 ----------------------------For example-----------------------------
@03 Whole number part: min - max min - max
Select 4 digits 0000 - 9999 change to 0050 - 0350
Decimal part:
Select 3 digits .100 - .999 cannot be .100 - .999
Combined range will be: 50.100 - 350.999